Read Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development - Elizabeth Brewer file in ePub Online

Download Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development - Elizabeth Brewer | ePub

Co-published with NAFSA.This volume focuses on two questions. First, how can education abroad be embedded into undergraduate education so that students experience it as an integral component of their education and something they help shape, rather than as time away from their education and as a commodity to be consumed? Second, how can colleges and universities maximize

Title : Education Abroad and the Undergraduate Experience: Critical Perspectives and Approaches to Integration with Student Learning and Development
Author : Elizabeth Brewer
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 06, 2021

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