Download Captain Coignet: A Soldier of Napoleon's Imperial Guard from the Italian Campaign to Waterloo - Jean-Roch Coignet file in PDF Online

Read Captain Coignet: A Soldier of Napoleon's Imperial Guard from the Italian Campaign to Waterloo - Jean-Roch Coignet | PDF

Jean-Roch Coignet (1776-1865) was a French soldier who served in the military campaigns of the Consulate and First French Empire, up through the Battle of Waterloo.He later wrote his memoirs detailing his military service, The Notebooks of Captain Coignet, which are still being reprinted.

Title : Captain Coignet: A Soldier of Napoleon's Imperial Guard from the Italian Campaign to Waterloo
Author : Jean-Roch Coignet
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 06, 2021

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