Full Download Ellis (English Name Mini-Book): The origins of the family name Ellis and their place in history (English Name Mini-Books) - Iain Gray | PDF Online

Download Ellis (English Name Mini-Book): The origins of the family name Ellis and their place in history (English Name Mini-Books) - Iain Gray file in PDF

Of Biblical roots and also a popular forename, ‘Ellis’ was first popularised as a surname in the wake of the Norman Conquest of 1066, a pivotal event in the history of the British Isles. Its bearers feature prominently in the frequently turbulent history of England, with Clement Ellis, born in Cumberland, a member of a prominent Royalist family who faithfully served the

Title : Ellis (English Name Mini-Book): The origins of the family name Ellis and their place in history (English Name Mini-Books)
Author : Iain Gray
Language : en
Rating :
4.90 out of 5 stars
Type : PDF, ePub, Kindle
Uploaded : Apr 06, 2021

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